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ELIZABETH WOOD (c. 1650)Elizabeth stitched a magnificent polychrome and white work band sampler in the middle of the 1600's. The limited use of colors points to this time period but not much earlier as the outlined areas contain filling stitches. Instead of making two different samplers, a polychrome sampler
and a white work samper, many girls made this type of band sampler. Often, the sampler was worked from different directions, hence the upside down alphabet.
Elizabeth's sampler is special in that she names her instructress, Frances Nightingell, who is now only one of two teachers known in the 1600's, the other being Juda Hayle.

This sampler was part of John Jacoby's collection and is now in the Textile Museum in St. Galler, Switzerland, accession no. TM20143.

The sampler is worked with linen, metallic and either silk or cotton floss using double running (holbein) stitches, satin, Algerian eye, Italian cross stitch, trellis, detached buttonhole, chain, four sided, buttonhole, buttonhole wheels, cut work and spiders webs.

Size: Finished size: 6 1/2" x 29" (16.5cm x 74cm)
Thread Count: 35 count (14 thr/cm) on dyed linen. Stitch count: 114 x 543
Recommended Level: Advanced to Very Advanced
Cost: chart $36.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 184

All prices are in US Dollars.

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