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JANE ANN TERRILL THORNHILL (c. 1660)The use of luminous colored silks in a wide range of colors and the solidly worked bands point to Jane's sampler being made in the second half of the 1600's. As well as that, the Puttis (boxers) or little angel boys are dressed. A wider selection of silks was available as trade was well established with the middle east. The swans in the solid colored band are from Sibmachers book. The large central band consists of roses which were a widely used design. The three solid worked areas towards the botton are worked in Queen stitch, Irish (florentine) stitch and rice stitch, all popular for upholstery as well as small items such as wallets. These band samplers are so neatly worked that they are reversible, not necessarily identical on front and back, but reversible. In many cases the ends are buried on the front. They were kept rolled up and it was something for women that they could show each other what they were capable of. It acted like a diploma. Sampler making was a virtuous activity and are a portrait of the soul.

This sampler is reproduced from the Burrell Collection (31/24) and is worked mainly over three threads. Stitches used are double running, montenegrin, stem stitch, Irish stitch, rice, Queen, satin, reversible cross and bouillion knots.

Size: Finished Size: 8 1/2" x 15 3/4" (22cm x 40 cm) on 40 count (16th/cm)linen
Thread Count: 40 count (16 thr/cm) on dyed linen. Stitch count: 112 x 540
Recommended Level: Advanced
Cost: Chart $36.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 171

All prices are in US Dollars.

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