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NG 1728-1729

NG 1728-1729New! This sampler is new to our collection.

The long horizontal samplers originate out of the far north of Friesland. A very similar sampler to this one is picture in Letter voor Letter on page 72, no. 92. These are from Ameland, one of the islands of the north coast of the Friesland. Both feature the large pot with one tulip and roses or carnations. The large ship where all the crew have wigs on. The captain and his wife standing on an oriental carpet, the church and the pelican in it's piety. A beautiful tree of life has been stitched and the grape carriers are brown. The usual household implements have been stitched as well as a great spinning wheel. The schooner is towing a small ship which carries the souls of the departed.
Great colour with one small hole.

Size: 14,25 x 26 in.
Thread Count:
Recommended Level:
Cost: $4800
Categories: Antiques

All prices are in US Dollars.

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