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ICO 1778

ICO 1778New! This sampler is new to our collection.

IOC states that she finished her sampler in September of 1778. Her sampler is from the province of Zeeland and most likely worked in a French school in the city of Middleburg. This sampler belongs to a group of samplers made there which feature the house and the entryway gate building. They usually have the reclining stag on a mound and the wolf. Various flower pots, a cornucopia and the squared geometric motif are another identifier as are either the maid of freedom or lion rampant in a fenced garden. IOC stitched a turtle in the top left corner and a butterfly in the opposite corner.

Size: 18.5" x 18.5" (47 cm x 47cm)
Thread Count:
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Cost: $3100
Categories: Antiques

All prices are in US Dollars.

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