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Ann Bignold- 1738

Ann Bignold- 1738In the early 20th century, Henry Francis du Pont created a grand country place at Winterthur that today encompasses a 175-room house, a 60-acre naturalistic garden, and 1,000 acres of woodland and meadows. With an emphasis on both beauty and comfort, H. F. du Pont furnished the rooms of his home with American antiques and other decorative and fine arts objects, representing the best in craftsmanship and style available to Americans between 1640 and 1860.

Mr. du Pont had a special love for textiles and needlework, and he acquired more than 700 pieces of American needlework for what is now the Winterthur Museum collection, including a sampler by Ann Bignold. Access. 2003.0013.041 A. Dated 1738. Ann's sampler is of British origin and features a centrally placed carnation knot flower, flanked on either side with reclining stags. The stag motifs are repeated at the top and bottom and this charming, balanced sampler is all enclosed in an arcaded satin stitch border.

Text reads ; Ann Bignold is my name and England is my nation Shear is my dwelling place and Christ is my salvation. Her parents were Thomas and Sarah Bignold, Henry and Elizabeth Bignold are mentioned as well and these could have been siblings.

The sampler is stitched in satin stitch, marking cross, cross over one, eyeletand Algerian eye.

Size: 9" x 13.5" (23cm x 34.5cm
Thread Count: 40 count (16thr/cm)
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht.$33.00
Categories: Winterthur, 18th Century English

All prices are in US Dollars.

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