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Mary Akin-1715

Mary Akin-1715Mary Akin’s; sampler is the earliest Rhode Island sampler known so far and belongs to a group of samplers made in Newport. This entire group of samplers have a surrounding border and are the first ones to have one in America. Nothing is known about the instructress but she did teach in the British manner. Ann Chase, 1721; Abigail Pinninger, 1730; Sarah Baley, 1738; Elizabeth Scott, 1741; Ann Rogers, 1746; and Ann Bowers, 1746 all have similar bands.

Stitches used in the sampler are double running, reversible or marking cross, Montenegrin, eyelet, satin and four sided stitch.

The original sampler is in The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Bayou Bend Collection, accession no.B2014.1. Museum purchase funded by the Bayou Bend Docent Organization in memory of Michael K. Brown. The original sampler measures 19 x 8 1/4 in. (48.3 x 21cm)

There will be two lessons and price includes the lessons.

Size: 8.75"{ x 19.25") or 22cm x 49cm)
Thread Count: 35 ct (14 thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Cost: chart $30
Categories: North American / Mexico, Rhode Island, Rhode Island

All prices are in US Dollars.

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