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Elizabeth Forwood’s Second sampler, circa 1813.

Elizabeth Forwood’s Second sampler, circa 1813.Elizabeth's sampler will be an on line class starting March1, 2019 and deadline for registering will be February 1, 2019.

In the early 20th century, Henry Francis du Pont created a grand country place at Winterthur that today encompasses a 175-room house, a 60-acre naturalistic garden, and 1,000 acres of woodland and meadows. With an emphasis on both beauty and comfort, H. F. du Pont furnished the rooms of his home with American antiques and other decorative and fine arts objects, representing the best in craftsmanship and style available to Americans between 1640 and 1860.

Mr. du Pont had a special love for textiles and needlework; as a result, he acquired more than 700 pieces of American needlework for what is now the Winterthur Museum collection. Since his death, the museum has added to the collection through purchase and gifts from generous donors. In 2016 Winterthur acquired a sampler wrought by twelve year old Elizabeth Forwood of the Brandywine Hundred of New Castle County, Delaware, in 1813. During the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, young girls were instructed in needlework skills. Some learned at home, but others attended schools for instruction by skilled needlewomen. One of the first works a girl created was a sampler to learn her stitches. She might later make other decorative samplers.

Elizabeth was the sixth of ten children. She completed her first known sampler on or about August 16, 1813, followed by a completed pictorial sampler with drawn work prior to her December birthday in 1813. In this second sampler, wrought in multi-color silk threads on linen, she uses an even wider range of stitches to create a vase of flowers with a bird, butterfly, and a small peacock with a double arcaded strawberry and floral border stitched on two sides. Of particular interest is the two-handled vase and larg eflower that is done in pulled work, a type of whitework that looks like lace.

Information about Elizabeth Forwood is from John Whitesell, descendant and donor: Elizabeth was the 6th child of Jehu Forwood (6/7/1764-11/21/1850) and Mary Robinson. Jesse Kendall, husband of Elizabeth, was the son of James Kendall, a well-known silversmith. A descendant who owns two spoons with the inscription "EF" made by James Kendall. Elizabeth had at least one child, Mary Emma Kendall (born December 18, 1838, died April 27, 1868). Mary Emma married John Martin and had at least one child, Lillie Martin Barnes (donor's mother's father's mother) who lived in Smyrna, Delaware. Lillie died age 94. See reverse side for more information.
The Forwood family lived on Marsh Road, near the intersection with Silverside Road. The remnants of the original house still exist in the woods behind what is currently a Pizza Hut restaurant. Fifty years ago there was a long driveway that went from Marsh Road to the house, but that is no longer visible. The property might now is owned by the state.(RGW, 12/30/2014)
Research per Gloria Allen, August 14, 2014: Elizabeth Forwood (1801-1869) Winterthur 2005.0035 1790 - on 25 August Jehu Forwood married Mary Robinson in Brandywine Hundred 1797 - Jehu Forwood, son of William (1692-1777) of England, formerly Ireland, built Forwood House [extant as of 6/1964] on 124 acres of family land in Brandywine Hundred; subsequently divided into New Castle County parkland and the Forwood Development 1801 - Elizabeth born 28 December, Brandywine Hundred, New Castle County, sixth of ten children to Jehu Forwood (1764-1850), and Mary Robinson (1770-1838). 1813 - Elizabeth completed her first known sampler on or about August 16, 1813; she completed a pictorial sampler with drawn work prior to her December birthday in 1813. Similar signature on both samplers. Where she received her needlework education is unknown. 1837 - married 10 April to Jesse Kendall [Kendell], (1793-1874), silversmith/farmer. One child, Mary (1838-1868), known from marriage. 1850 - Elizabeth, Jesse, and Mary listed in census as Rendle/Kendle in Division 1, New Castle 1868 - Elizabeth Forwood Kendall died 12 December. Buried with husband and daughter at Newark Union Cemetery, Wilmington. Elizabeth's brother Samuel Forwood (1799-1875) married Eliza Weldin in 1830. She had stitched a sampler in 1812 and later added her initials, "E F" [Chaski Collection]. Their daughter Caroline Forwood (born 1832) stitched a genealogical sampler around 1840 [Hagley Museum]. The Weldin and Forwood families intermarried several times. (See object file for copy of Gloria Allen's research.)(RGW, 08/18/2014)

Stitches used are cross, cross over one, satin, stem, French knots, queen and free hand embroidery. A line drawing is included that will have to be traced.

Size: 13.5” x 11” (34 cm x 28cm)
Thread Count: 35 ct (14 thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: Chart $36-
Categories: Winterthur, Winterthur, North American / Mexico

All prices are in US Dollars.

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