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Elizabeth Smith-1813

Elizabeth Smith-1813Elizabeth' sampler is from Norfolk, UK, and they are known for the linked octagon band, pine trees, deer and stepped lozenges. The samplers date from 1740’s into the 1840’s, a hundred year span. There were a number of them made that are very similar in appearance. For more information on these samplers see Imitation and Improvement, The Norfolk Sampler Tradition by Joanne Martin Lukacher. Elizabeth’s sampler is pictured on p.149.

This sampler is worked in cross stitch, freehand embroidery , stem stitch, cross over one and bullion knots. You will receive a large colour copy as well as two setts of drawings, one for tracing and the other for colour placement.

Size: 14.75" x 14.5"
Thread Count: 40 thr/per inch ot 16 thr/per cm/
Recommended Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Cost: chart, $39.00
Categories: , 19th Century English

All prices are in US Dollars.

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