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Mary Partridge-1717

Mary Partridge-1717Mary Partridge's sampler dated 1717 is of British origin and similar to the English band samplers from a century earlier. The fact that it has fewer bands and is shorter and wider in format tells us it dates to the early 1700s. The bands Mary stitched, though, are the same pattern bands as before. She wasn't concerned with working her sampler so that it would be reversible as it’s rather messy on the reverse. In the large bottom carnation band she blended two colors to stitch as one. The colors in the reproduction have been matched to the back.
This sampler is from the Winterthur collection (1981.0037). The original sampler was worked on a wool ground but the reproduction is on linen.

The stitches used are cross, cross over one, Montenegrin, double running stitch, satin stitch, eyelet, double running, back stitch (closed herringbone), and diagonal double running back stitch.

In the early 20th century, Henry Francis du Pont created a grand country place at Winterthur that today encompasses a 175-room house, a 60-acre naturalistic garden, and 1,000 acres of woodland and meadows. With an emphasis on both beauty and comfort, H. F. du Pont furnished the rooms of his home with American antiques and other decorative and fine arts objects, representing the best in craftsmanship and style available to Americans between 1640 and 1860.

Mr. du Pont had a special love for textiles and needlework; as a result, he acquired more than 700 pieces of American needlework for what is now the Winterthur Museum collection. Since du Pont's death, the museum has added to the collection through gifts from generous donors and purchases such as the sampler wrought by Catherine Rihl. During the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, girls were instructed in needlework skills so they would be more proficient as adults. Some were taught at home, but others were sent to schools for instruction by skilled needlewomen. One of the first works a girl created was a sampler to learn her stitches.

Size: 12" x 15"(30.5 cm x 38cm)
Thread Count: 40 ct (16 thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Cost: chart $36.00
Categories: , 18th Century English, Winterthur

All prices are in US Dollars.

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