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Perthene Chase-1761

Perthene Chase-1761Perthene (1749–1795) was 11 years, eight months, and ten days old when she finished her sampler on September 30, 1761. It belongs to a wonderful group of Newport, Rhode Island, samplers, which provides the first recognizable regional style in colonial America. The design elements in Perthene’s sampler include bands of large arcaded flowers, flanked by two verses: the first which compares the loss of her parents with the loss of Christ and the second which reflects the pride of her needlework.

We know of at least four other known band
samplers with similar floral bands on them; the earliest one is by Mary Aiken, dated 1715. The original sampler is from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Bayou Bend Collection, museum purchase funded by Houston Junior Woman’s Club Charitable Fund, B.2014.13.

Stitches used are cross stitch, cross over one, double running, tent, queen, long armed cross, eyelet over two threads, satin, four sided, and reversible cross stitch.

The sampler measures 10” x 15” (25.5 cm x 38cm) and is worked on 35 ct (14 thr/cm linen).
Suitable for intermediate stitchers. #362

Size: 10" x 14.75" (16cm x 37.5cm)
Thread Count: 35 ct ( 14 thr/cm Linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Cost: cht. $30.00
Categories: , North American / Mexico, Rhode Island
ID: 362

All prices are in US Dollars.

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