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JANE TURNER (1668)This beautiful band sampler is reproduced from the Burrell Collection in Glasgow, access no. 159. An almost identical band sampler dated 1667 is privately owned. Jane would have been an accomplished needlewoman to have worked this band sampler and would have completed several others before this one.
The woman in the center is dressed in the style of the day and her dress is worked in detached buttonhole and couching. A wide range of stitches are used including double running (holbein), satin, seed, trellis, spiral trellis, bouillion, detached buttonhole, couching, chain, montenegrin and marking cross. Some metallic thread is used.

Size: Finished Size: 7" x 24" (18cm x 61cm)
Thread Count: 35 count (14 thr/cm) on dyed linen.
Recommended Level: Very Advanced
Cost: Kit: Cotton - $98.00 Silk - $156.00 chart $30.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 143

All prices are in US Dollars.

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