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RVDB-1794A great little surface darning sampler from the Netherlands. There are quite a few of these pictured on the website of the Metroplolitan Museum in New York. Most are very similar but some also have flowers on them. I believe these were made around Amsterdam and this would not have been a girls first sampler but most likely her second or third one. There are a series of samplers made by girls where they made a cross stitch one, then a queen stitch one and finally one along these lines but much larger and elaborate. The various darning patterns were made so that a girl could mend woven clothing which was made up of fabrics woven in twill and different brocade patterns.

Size: 7" x 9.5" (18cm x 24cm)
Thread Count: worked on 40 (16 thr/cm)count linen
Recommended Level:
Cost: cht $22.00
Categories: , Dutch & German
ID: 344

All prices are in US Dollars.

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