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1760 Hindeloopen sampler from Friesland

1760 Hindeloopen sampler from FrieslandThis fabulous sampler is from the town of Hindeloopen in the south west corner of the province of Zeeland. The samplers made her were all worked in two to three colours and almost all of them heave the small bands along the top with one of them called a S and M band. They have numerous alphabets and geometric motifs as well as household furnishings such as the cradle and kas and household implements, all the women's domain. There is an entire group similar to this one that have the scene along the bottom and these were made over a period of more than three hundred years.
Ours was made by VI.
The large ornate H stands for the town of Hindeloopen.
Conservation mounted and framed behind UV galss.

Size: 13.5" x 18" including frame.
Thread Count:
Recommended Level:
Cost: Sold
Categories: Antiques

All prices are in US Dollars.

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