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Mary Ann Hoover-1818

Mary Ann Hoover-1818Mary Ann Hoover Sampler

In the early 20th century, Henry Francis du Pont created a grand country place at Winterthur that today encompasses a 175-room house, a 60-acre naturalistic garden, and 1,000 acres of woodland and meadows. With an emphasis on both beauty and comfort,
H. F. du Pont furnished the rooms of his home with American antiques and other decorative and fine arts objects, representing the best in craftsmanship and style available to Americans between 1640 and 1860.

Mr. du Pont had a special love for textiles and needlework, and he acquired more than 700 pieces of American needlework for what is now the Winterthur Museum collection, including a sampler by Mary Ann Hoover. Accession no. 1967.1717A. Dated 1818, Mary Ann’s sampler is typical of others in early nineteenth-century Philadelphia. The bucolic country estate that is depicted—a house flanked with trees, fences, and animals—was a theme fashionable among the elites in Europe and America at the time. It wasn’t uncommon for girls to unpick their age from the sampler so that their age would remain a mystery. The couple to the right of the house are wearing slim lined clothing typical of the Empire period.In the early 1800s, du Pont family members had their own country place at Eleutherian Mills. The tradition is still recognized today in H. F. du Pont’s Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library.

Stitches used are cross stitch, algerian eye, stem, lazy daisy, chain, satin tent and cross over one thread.

Size: 17.5 x15" 9(44cm x 38cm)
Thread Count: 40 count (16 thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht. $30.00
Categories: , North American / Mexico, Winterthur
ID: 340

All prices are in US Dollars.

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