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Sisson, Hannah

Sisson, Hannah Hannah was the sixth of nine children born to Joseph Sisson and Priscilla Taylor. She married Parker Lawton in Newport's baptist church on December 24, 1829. They had at least one daughter. She married a second time to Benjamin Greene on October the first, 1836. They had three children.
Stylistically Hannah's sampler retains elements found on earlier Newport samplers; the vase with her name inside of it, the house, the layered format with people and the flowers along the bottom although on earlier samplers these were found in the entire border.
Accession no. 20.197, Museum of Art, Rhode island School of design.

Stitches used are cross stitch, algerian eye, cross over one satin and tent.

Size: 7" x 8.25" (
Thread Count: 32 the per in. (12 thr per cm)
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht. $22.00
Categories: , North American / Mexico, Rhode Island
ID: 333

All prices are in US Dollars.

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