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Cynthia Burr

Cynthia BurrCynthia Burr was one of Mary Balch’s students. The central building is the State House which is found on a number of other samplers worked under Mary's tutelage, it's either the State House in Newport or Providence. The building in the top border is the College Edifice,the first building of Rhode Island College and now known as Brown University and still standing.

Cynthia (May 21, 1770-June 19, 1848)was one of seven children of Levi Burr and his wife Mary Olney. Levi was a tailor in Providence. She married Andrew Boyd on Sept. 17, 1795 and they had one son, Andrew Boyd, born in 1798. Information from, "Let Virtue be a Guide to Thee" by Betty Ring.

The sampler is worked in cross, tent, queen, split stitch and eyelet. You will receive a pattern that will be traced onto the linen.

Size: 12"x 15"
Thread Count: 35 count linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Cost: cht. $36
Categories: , North American / Mexico, Rhode Island
ID: 342

All prices are in US Dollars.

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