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Mary Hay-1813

Mary Hay-1813This delightful small Scottish sampler has the Coat of Arms of the Fleshers as the central feature. To all sides of the shield are numerous family initials and crowns which are so typical to Scottish samplers as are the rabbits, dogs and peacocks.
Mary was christened 16 March 1798 in Cannongate, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. She was the daughter of William Hay and Mary Porteous. William Hay was a flesher, a trade organized to regulate the meat industry. There were nine other children: Jean (1796); John (1800), Janet (1802); Peter (1804); Betty (1806); Margaret (1811); Grizzel (1813); Alexander (1818); Robert (1821).

Mary used cross stitch, cross over one, double running, tent and some freehand satin stitches.
From a private collection.

Size: 7.5” x 10.25” (19cm x 26cm)
Thread Count: 35 ct. Linen (14thr/cm)
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht. $22.00
Categories: Scottish
ID: 323

All prices are in US Dollars.

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