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Lucy Spalding-1793

Lucy Spalding-1793Lucy stitched her sampler at the age of 14. She was born December 24th, 1778, the daughter of Jonathan Spalding (1738–1808)and Phebe Backus(1744–1786). They resided in Plainfield, Windham County, CT. and she was educated in Bozrah, New London County, CT. On the 29th of April, 1795 she died in Norwich, apparently unmarried.
The Connecticut Historical Society, gift of Hezekiah Lord Hosmer’ 1859.18.2.
Her sampler contains a wonderful bucolic scene along the bottom. The sampler is mainly stitched in cross stitch as well as some algerian eye, rice, bullion knots and tent stitch.

Size: 11” x 12.25” (28cm x 31cm)
Thread Count: 32 count (12thr/cm)
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht. $26.00
Categories: , North American / Mexico
ID: 317

All prices are in US Dollars.

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