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Elizabeth Creasey

Elizabeth Creasey Elizabeth's Creasey-1686 lovely band sampler is mainly worked with bands of whitework using linen threads worked in hem, counted satin, double running, eyelet, buttonhole and stem stitch, cut and drawn work with needle weaving and needle lace. The coloured bands are worked with Montenegrin , double running, satin, chain, crosslet, eyelet and trellis stitch.

The coloured bands are worked over three threads of linen as is the hem stitching but sections in the whitework areas are worked over four threads of linen.

On 55 count linen it will measure 8” x 34”, On 45 count linen it will measure 10.25” x 47” and on 40 count it will measure 11.5” x 50”. The original sampler measures 8” x 32”

It will be worked with soie d’Paris, soie d’alger and a little of soie gobelin and linen thread and some metallic thread. On 55 count linen it will be $297.00. On 50 count linen it will be $307.00. On 45 count linen it will be $343.00 and on 40 count it will be $361.00.

Thread Count:
Recommended Level: Advanced to Very Advanced
Cost: see above for kit, chart $49.00
Categories: , 17th Century English, This Year

All prices are in US Dollars.

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