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SS-1753SS, her sampler will start as an on line class the 1st of July and deadline for registering will be June 6th.
Worked on either 40 or 45 count linen using soie d'Paris and linen thread. Stitches used are satin, eyelet, cross-stitch, needleweaving and hem stitching.
On 45 count linen the sampler measures 11.5" x 13"(29cm x 33cm), which includes a 3/4" hem. On 40 count it will be somewhat larger.

During this class we will look at similar samplers and others from this area and the history of the town, Hindeloopen in the Netherlands.

There will be a total of three lessons for a cost of $11.00 each.

Thread Count:
Recommended Level:
Cost: cht.$30
Categories: Dutch & German, Last Year

All prices are in US Dollars.

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