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Mary Eldrig 1714-1715

Mary Eldrig 1714-1715Mary’s sampler shows the change in samplers that took place in the late 17th century and early 18th century in England. We see fewer decorative bands and a great deal more text. The boxers or puttis are a carry over from the 17th century although instead of being filled in with detached stitches they are filled in with tent stitch. The use of some of the more complicated reversible stitches is gone, although the marking cross is still prevalent. Now we also see numerous alphabets executed in a variety if stitches with the rows separated by small decorative bands. This sampler commemorates Jone Eldrig who died at age 48 in 1714, most likely Mary’s mother. This sampler is reproduced from the original, which is in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
Stitches used are; satin, double running, flame stitch, tent, Algerian eye, long armed cross and reversible and marking

Size: measures 12.5 in. x 20.25 in. (31.5cm x 51cm)
Thread Count: 35 count (14 th/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Advanced
Cost: cht.$29.00
Categories: 18th Century English
ID: 272

All prices are in US Dollars.

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