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Lady needlework pictureNeedlework picture

Lady needlework pictureNeedlework pictureFemale figures on seventeenth century needlework were often depicted in fashionable attire worn during this period of time. Our lady is wearing a ermine stole and a very fine flowered gown lined with red and checked fabric, all worked in tent stitch. Her stylish shoes are worked in a red and white stripe.
The serpent wrapped around her wrists points to her being a symbolic figure although it's not known what she represents.
She is surrounded by typical motifs of the period, the reclining lion and unicorn, symbolizing the English crowns, as well as insects and over sized flowers. The castle has smoke coming from the chimney indicating the inhabitants are home and the windows are filled in with mica.
The sky is worked in a diamond satin pattern, the ground, flowers, trees and insects are worked in queen stitch. The remaining motifs are in tent stitch.

Size: 15.5" x 13.75" (39cm x 35cm)
Thread Count: 35 ct (14thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: chart $39.00
Categories: , 17th Century English
ID: 326

All prices are in US Dollars.

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