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Martha Edlin-1668

Martha Edlin-1668Martha Edlin's work is rather well known and she was a accomplished stitcher. Besides her band sampler she stitched a cutwork sampler dated 1669, small needlework items which include two pincushions, a bird,a needle case and several other items. She also worked a beadwork box dated 1673 and a fabulous casket dated 1671. All of her needlework is housed at the V&A.
Stitches used double running, satin, marking cross, long armed cross, montenegrin, running stitch, eyelets and detached buttonhole. It is mainly worked with soie d'Paris, a filament silk.
The original sampler was worked over three threads of linen as were most 17th. century samplers and measures 8.25" x 32.25" (81.9cm x 21cm). Ours is worked on 55 count linen and measures 8" x 36". It can also be worked on 45 count (9.3" x 35"), 40 count (10.5 x 39.5) or 35 count (12" x 45"). Another option is to work it on 35 count linen over two threads in which case it will measure 8" x 30" but then algerien eye alphabet at the bottom will have to be adapted and some of the running stitches.

Cost for 55 count and 35 count over two threads will be the same $355.00 and for the other counts it will be $368.00. Chart $46.00

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Categories: , 17th Century English
ID: 327

All prices are in US Dollars.

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