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Margaret Taylor

Margaret TaylorMargaret stitched her sampler at the age of ten in Linlithgow,West Lothian, just outside of Edinburgh. The two medallions in the top corners are a thistle on the right and the left medallion depicts the "Black Bitch" emblem of Linlithgow.
The sampler is stitched mainly in cross stitch with some cross over one, double running, satin, chain, queen and tent. Chenille is used for the lawn and around some of the flowers and is couched down,
some spangles are used as well.

Size: 13.5" x 14.5"(34cm x 37)
Thread Count: 40 count (16thr/cm.)
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: Cht. $28.00
Categories: , Scottish
ID: 332

All prices are in US Dollars.

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