Sarah Talley-1798
Sarah’s sampler is from the Winterthur collection, accession no. 2000.67. The sampler is a reproduction of Sarah’s sampler who was from Talleyville, Delaware. Sarah documented her teacher, Mary Sullevan, on her samplers as well as her siblings, the children of Elihu and Lydia Forewood Talley. Sarah’s mother, gave birth to twins but she died on the day the second twin was born. From this piece it can be assumed that Sarah looked after her younger siblings as she was seventeen years old when she finished her sampler, a rather late age for one to be worked. Her father remarried in 1798, the year she completed her sampler and this is when she would have had had time and the opportunity to attend school.
Unusual motifs include a hound, a stag, birds and an eagle. The sampler is worked using a number of different stitches, cross, four sided, herringbone, queen, flame and some freehand stitches.
During the twentieth century, Henry Francis du Pont (1880-1969) assembled a vast collection of antiques made and used in America between 1640 and 1860 to furnish and decorate the interiors of his home. He had a special love for textiles and needlework; as a result, he acquired more than 700
pieces of American needlework for what is now the Winterthur Museum collection.
Size: worked on 35 count (14thr/cm) linen and measures 16.5" x 16.5" (42cmx42cm)
Thread Count:
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht. $29.00
Categories: Winterthur, North American / Mexico
ID: 303
All prices are in US Dollars.