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Margreet Lucan-1681

Margreet Lucan-1681Margreet used numerous different stitches to work her band sampler. Parts of it are worked over two threads of linen and others are worked over three threads of linen. She was ten years old at the time that she made this. The first band she stitched is not as commonly seen as the second
one, which we see rather frequently on 17th century band samplers. It is the variety of filling stitches that she used that make this such a wonderful sampler. The middle section is worked with linen thread and has a bit of cut work in. The bottom section has several styles of alphabets and the inscription reads, “ My father hitherto has done his best to make me a worke woman about the rest, Margeet Lucun, 1681, beang ten years old come July the first", she had to squeeze the last two letters in along the side edge.

Stitches used are Montenegrin, Marking cross, diagonal cross, double running, diamond eyelet, satin, woven wheel, algerian eye, long armed cross, four sided, reversible cross, chain, holie point, spiral trellis and various forms of detached buttonhole.

Size: On 40 count (16thr/cm)linen it measures 11.5" x 19.5" (29cm x 49cm)
Thread Count:
Recommended Level: Advanced
Cost: Cht. $34.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 301

All prices are in US Dollars.

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