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English spot sampler- mid 17th century

English spot sampler- mid 17th centuryThis fabulous spot sampler is typical of samplers made in England mid 17th century in it's use of realistic tent stitch motifs, called slips, and the geometric patterns in the bottom half containing a great deal of metallic thread.
The slips are all worked in tent stitch and beautifully shaded, some have French knots, double running for the flower veins and reversible crosses added to them for extra detail.
The geometric motifs are mainly worked in queen stitch with some half queen stitches. Some of the motifs are outlined with double running stitch and then filled in with tent or wrapping, over which additional elements are worked. There is Roman stitch, rice stitch and diamond eyelets. The silver and gold metallic are worked in plaited braid, van Dyke stitch, spiders wheels Maltese cross, woven knots, satin and open chain.

Size: 9" x 30" 23cm x 76cm)
Thread Count: 35 count linen (14 thr/cm)
Recommended Level: Very Advanced
Cost: cht. $42.00
Categories: 17th Century English, 17th Century English
ID: 295

All prices are in US Dollars.

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