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MARGARET CAMERON CIRCA - 1810The ornate lettering, the cases with tulips, the tree, and the birds on either side of the fountain, all show that this is a Scottish sampler. In old Christian art, the fountain with birds (fountain of life) is a symbol of the longing for Christ. This particular motif was first illustrated in Ostaus la vera perfecttione del disegnio, Venetie 1591. Scottish samplers generally have family initials on them, and Margaret's is no exception. The initials "DC" at the top are her father's, and the "AA" would have been her mother's. Women kept their maiden names in Scotland. Margaret included the initials of deceased family members indicated by the black letters at the bottom.
Stitches used are cross, cross over one, double running, and chain stitch.
From a private collection.

Size: Finished Size: 13 1/4" x 18" (34cm x46cm) on 40 ct (16th/cm) linen
Thread Count: Or: 15" x 20.5" (38cm x 52cm) on 35 ct (14th/cm)linen
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: Chart - $24.00
Categories: Scottish
ID: 230

All prices are in US Dollars.

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