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IN Spot Sampler

IN Spot SamplerThis lovely sampler was most likely made during the second half of the 17th century in England. It contains numerous tent stitch patterns both as individual, realistic motifs and as repeating patterns. The naturalistic tent stitch patterns, also known as spots or slips, were often stitched on panels of linen then cut out and applied to other textiles such as bed hangings. If the background fabric was worn out the slips could be removed and applied to another ground fabric. The
geometric, repeating patterns can be found on cushions, pin pillows, sweet bags and other embroidery articles for the household. The spot samplers are generally made up of numerous patterns, techniques and stitches. "IN", her sampler uses a great deal of metallic thread in
various braid and knot stitches as well as tent, Florentine, satin, Hungarian, stem, back stitch, queen stitch, eyelet, Roman, reversible cross, diamond eyelet, wrapping, long armed cross, herringbone and trellis.

Size: 10.5" x14'
Thread Count: 30 count (12 thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Advanced
Cost: Chart $28.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 253

All prices are in US Dollars.

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