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Elisabetta Mari- Anno 1835

Elisabetta Mari- Anno 1835Elisabetta’s charming sampler is of Italian and Roman Catholic origin as
indicated by the crucifix at the beginning of the alphabet and the
numerous Roman catholic motifs, such as the IHS and the instruments of
passion, the dice, robe, ladder and rooster. The word “Feci"? is Italian
for “made by". She included a number of people and dogs as well as
animals of questionable origin. Along the top left side is a bird taken
from one of Peter Quentel’s patterns.
This sampler is worked entirely in cross stitch.

Size: On 40 count (16 th/cm)linen it measures 11" x 16"(28cm x 41cm)
Thread Count: On 35 count (14 th/cm) linen it will measure 13��? x 19��? (33 cm x 48 cm)
Recommended Level: Beginner
Cost: chart $22.00
Categories: Central & Southern Europe
ID: 276

All prices are in US Dollars.

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