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FLOWER SPOT - MID 17th CENTURY Our beautiful spot sampler is similar to one found in the Goodheart collection at Montacute House. The design in the bottom right corner has been seen on a small cushion from the 17th century auctioned off at Christies a number of years ago. Any of these designs can be used for such a purpose. The reproduction is stitched with either 1, 2 or 3 strands of silk or DMC using back, chain, couching, french knot,Hungarian, flame, long armed cross, tent, double running, queen, and
satin stitches. Formerly in the collection of The Essamplaire.

Size: 11 3/4"x 9"(30cm x 23cm)
Thread Count: 30 ct (12 thr/cm) linen.
Recommended Level: Advanced
Cost: cht. $33.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 234

All prices are in US Dollars.

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