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Maria Lambooy-1773

Maria Lambooy-1773Maria stitched a delightful sampler. She combined both the alphabets and pictorial elements in her sampler, a more common feature on Dutch samplers. This sampler is from the western part of the Netherlands. The scene along the bottom with the gabled house, dog, garden and cupola is charming. Prominently placed in the centre is a large oriental style pot holding carnations. These pots were imported in great numbers from the orient. Perhaps this is the inspiration for the dragons came from as well. Maria stitched the maid of Holland (maid of freedom), numerous plants and flowers, birds of different varieties and a milkmaid. The family initials are placed inside crowned cartouches, hers in the top centre with her age, nine. The cartouche to the right of hers has the
initials GK and number “6, someone special in her life? This sampler is from the collection of The Essamplaire.

Size: 13.75" x 15.75" (35cm x40cm)
Thread Count: 40 count (16 th/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Cost: Chart$22.00
Categories: Dutch & German
ID: 271

All prices are in US Dollars.

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