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Leuntie Geertse –1809

Leuntie Geertse –1809Leuntie or Leuntje made her sampler in the province of Zeeland. We know of a Leuntie who had a stillborn child on May 11th, 1821 in Koudekerke on the island of Walcheren. She was 26 years of age and unmarried at the time. Jacobus Johannes Hamelink, a millars helper said the child was his. Leuntie would have been 13 or 14 years of age when she made her sampler, a common age in the Netherlands to make a pictorial sampler.The square style tree on the right is typical of Zeeland samplers as is the house on the chekered ground. The mice or squirrels leaning against a flower (on the right) is a very old Middle East motif. The grape carriers, Joshua and Caleb are walking their dogs. The wine press, to the left of the house signifies the blood of Christ as does the bunch of grapes. The lion and the maid of Holland are both in a fenced enclosure. The maid is a freedom symbol, the fenced enclosure stands for the House of Orange and the lion is a Dutch attribute to this day. The lion is often seen with a bundle of seven arrows with the points pointing upward, symbolizing the formation of the Seven United Provinces after the Treaty of Utrecht in 1579.
Leuntie used cross stitch for her sampler.

Size: 18" x 21" (46cm x 53cm)
Thread Count: 40 count (16 thr/cm) linen
Recommended Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Cost: chrt. $26.00
Categories: Dutch & German
ID: 256

All prices are in US Dollars.

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