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ICH-1787 ICH's sampler is typical of samplers made in Northern Germany with its wealth of Old and New Testament subjects. Prominent are the crucifixion of Christ, the cross flanked by a man with a sponge and Mary Magdalene, complete with eight-pointed stars and an eclipse. The motif at the far
right depicts the risen Christ with the angel addressing Mary Magdalene. Adam and Eve, labeled A and E, are shown in an enclosed garden and the Spies of Canaan, Joshua and Caleb, labeled I and C are Old stories. The angel with a sword is seen on other samplers in connection with the sacrifice of Isaac.

The dish rack, bed complete with bed hangings, chair, woman rocking a cradle and the caged bird are common domestic motifs on Northern German samplers. A sampler very similar in its use of motifs is in the collection of the Sampler Museum in Celle, Germany.
ICH used cross-stitch, buttonhole and chain stitches.

Size: 16"x 19" (41cm x 24cm) on 40 ct (16 th/cm) linen
Thread Count: 40 count (16thr/cm) linen.
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: cht. $24.00
Categories: Dutch & German
ID: 251

All prices are in US Dollars.

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