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AV-1777 This lovely balanced sampler is from Hoorn in West Friesland. DIA made an almost identical sampler in 1774 and it is pictured in M.G.A. Schipper van Lottums book, "Over Merklappen Gesproken", on page 244, illus. 143. Maria Margaretha Elizabeth van Akerlaken made a similar one in 1785 and
she was born in 1768 in Hoorn into the well-known mayor's family, van Akerlaken. Maria made a darning sampler with the same butterflies on it. We know of twelve other spot and darning samplers made under the direction of the same teacher and the earliest one dates to 1766 and the latest one is from 1825.

AV’s sampler is in the Westfries Museum in Hoorn. Stitches used in this sampler are cross stitch and rice stitch.

Size: 12" x 17" (31cm x 43cm)
Thread Count: 40 count (16thr/cm) linen.
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: chart $24.00
Categories: Dutch & German
ID: 242

All prices are in US Dollars.

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