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LIEVK MARTENS - 1785A striking Fries sampler from the southwest corner of Friesland in Warns. Lievk married Aage Junniens from Warns on July 8th, 1804. Her initials, "LM", follow the alphabet and the initial "W", after "LV", probably stands for Warns. The most noticeable element on this sampler is the three masted schooner. These schooners were built in this area during the 17th century for the large merchant fleet. Lievk stitched the usual household implements, geometric motifs and an Adam & Eve fully clothed in a cartouche. These particular motifs, and many of the geometric ones are found on samplers from this area. The household items were objects the girls grew up with daily life. Stitches used are cross, eyelet, satin & back stitch. From the Fries Museum, access no. FM 1957-90.

Size: Finished Size: 11 1/2" x 14 1/2" (29.5cm x 37cm)
Thread Count: 40/35 ct (16/14 thr/cm) linen.
Recommended Level: Intermediate
Cost: Cht. $26.
Categories: Dutch & German
ID: 238

All prices are in US Dollars.

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