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SPB - 1765

SPB - 1765This very balanced sampler is from North Holland. SPB was very proud of the fact that she was 10 1/2 years old as she had to stitch that "1/2" on her sampler. The center motif depicts Jesus with the woman at the well and we have the grape carriers Joshua and Caleb, as well as Adam and Eve
as seen so often on Dutch samplers. Everything is stitched in cross stitch except the roof of the church, which is worked in chain stitch. The original is in the West Fries Museum in Hoorn, the Netherlands.

Size: Finished Size: on 40 count (16 th/cm) linen it measures 12 1/2��? x 15��? 932 cm x 38 cm)
Thread Count: on 35 count (14 th/cm) linen it measures 14 1/4��? x 17��? ( 36 cm x 43 cm)
Recommended Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Cost: Chart $24.00
Categories: Dutch & German
ID: 227

All prices are in US Dollars.

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