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FRANCES CHEYNEY (1664)Frances made an exquisite white work sampler comprised of eight cut and drawn bands with needle point filling. Four satin geometric bands and her name worked in eyelet. The people and the cat have pink cheeks and mouths. This is a more complex design than her first known band sampler
completed in 1663. The cut work bands get progressively more difficult towards the bottom. Frances' sampler is from the Burrell Museum, access no. 31/22. Our kit is worked in linen thread.

Size: Finished Size: 9.25" 31" (23.5cm x 79cm)
Thread Count: 40 count (16 thr/cm) on dyed linen.
Recommended Level: Very Advanced
Cost: Chart $36.00
Categories: 17th Century English
ID: 101

All prices are in US Dollars.

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